on a side note there is this little white dog down the street with a sweet little bow in it's hair that likes to run with me sometimes...FALSE! it likes to run AT me and bark at my ankles i've never really wanted to drop kick any animal more than i want this little pooch! and the kicker (no pun intended) the owner is outside with the thing EVERY TIME! how do you politely tell your neighbor that he should put his pooch on a leash if he doesn't want to see fur fly? Where is Cesar Millan when you need him?
June 19, 2009
say hello...
i've never been much of a long distance runner, but i do enjoy a good early morning jog (there is no way i would jog at any other time here because...i would die. it is just entirely too hot.) well, i picked up this little pedo gadget (that's short for pedometer not the other kind of pedo...that would be bad) the other day and it is quite handy. i love to see my progress. even though, i am only up to about 2 miles thus far, and most of the time i feel like i want to kill myself afterward or just lay on the neighbors lawn and die because i am so tired (and I am totally in competition with my myrtle even though she doesn't know it! i hate that she is beating me) so i will persevere and kill over if i must...
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