houston, tx
this show is nothing short of...cah-rah-zeee-town
with a cast of 60+, it has been quite the project...mostly trying to figure out WHAT the ensemble characters ARE (birds, cats, dancers, foliage, scenery, you name it...we got it!)
the overall design is a VERY HIGHLY STYLIZED 40'S for the "show"
and the "show within the show" is avant garde, modern, futuristic mod podge
fun for me!
the good part is that i have been able to shop most of the show (i just put in an order of about $1200 at forever 21)
which means, only the "period pieces" (i.e. the ruffs above:built by mary keene) will be built
oh, and did i mention, the wigs and makeup are gonna be BANANAS?!
we open the beginning of MARCH...i gotta go get to work
for over three years i have done all my sketches with pastel pencil
for this project i decided i wanted to use marker
it's been interesting
i'm not quite sure how i feel about it...yet