August 2, 2011

guess what fellas...

it's august!
i know i'm a few days late with this announcement but
we still have 29 days to celebrate it, eh?

speaking of...
there was a point in my life
{probably while i was reading this thing}
when i was obsessed with the notion
1) having a boy child
2) naming him august
3) calling him gus
we're talkin' bee's knees people!
its probably for the best that never worked out
cause i'm sure he would have been gingery
then i would have been forced to cloth him in
seersucker suits, ankle boots, suspenders, and bow know, super fancy duds
{possibly something like this}
and that probably would have lead to him seeking therapy for the majority of his adult life

in any case
i'm a bit partial to the month
can't imagine why ;)
all i'm saying is there may or may not be
ice cream cake in my near future
and possibly a party hat
and a kazoo
...if my stars align good. and. proper.

p.s. i'm a bit obsessed with clouds these days...possibly cause i've been staring at a lot of those things...a la poolside...i hereby allow you to be jealous of my vitamin d intake


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