case in point:the other day at the jo-jo's (joann's, of course) this poor woman was frantically looking for denim thread to hem her VERY PERSNICKETY (don't' you just love that word? it so rarely gets used in a sentence) teenage daughter's jeans. she was literally terrified that her child (heathen is more like it) would think that her jeans looked "homemade" if she didn't hem them "good enough." i tried to remain quiet and mind my own business but i just couldn't help myself. i pulled the woman aside and briefly BUT thoroughly instructed her on this amazing hemming technique i learned a couple years ago from my GOOD FRIEND NIKIS (what i really wanted to do was to teach her how to bend her teenager over her knee and give her a good swat "you get what you get, and you don't throw a fit!"--but, alas, i refrained, this time) i felt good, the woman felt relieved and all was right in the world.
this weekend i hemmed three yes three pair-o-jeans that have been in my sewing room for weeks. as i did so, i thought of that mother & thought to myself, "self there may be others in the world that would appreciate knowing this oh-so-helpful hemming technique." if you have involuntarily pointed to yourself and would like to be enlightened click HERE for the tutorial of your life!